Selected Publications
International Family Mediation
Mediation in Action. In: Christoph C. Paul / Sybille Kiesewetter / Ischtar Khalaf-Newsome (Eds.): Cross-Border Family Mediation. International Parental Child Abduction, Custody and Access Cases. Frankfurt/M. 2023 (with Eberhard Carl)
Cross-Border Family Mediation (CBFM) Training. In: Christoph C. Paul / Sybille Kiesewetter / Ischtar Khalaf-Newsome (Eds.): Cross-Border Family Mediation. International Parental Child Abduction, Custody and Access Cases. Frankfurt/M. 2023 (with Ischtar Khalaf-Newsome)
Importance of training mediators in cross-border disputes. In: Best Practice Guide on the use of Mediation in Cross-Border Cases. Bucharest 2013
A Case for Mediation: Family Mediation in International Child Custody Conflicts. In: Worlld Arbitration and Mediation Review, Volume 1, Issue 4, 2007 (with Christoph C. Paul)
Peacebuilding and peace education in different countries
Äthiopien: Auf dem Boden der Tradition. Die Arbeit des Zivilen Friedensdienstes.
>Ethiopia: Founded in Tradition. Civil Peace Service in Action<
In: Spektrum der Mediation, Herausgegeben vom Bundesverband Mediation e.V., Ausgabe 64 / 3. Quartal 2016 (with Nega Gerbaba)
Vom Eisberg zum Brunnen: Wege zur Überwindung von Barrieren in der Zivilen Konfliktbearbeitung.
>From an Iceberg to a Well: Overcoming Barriers in Civil Peace Service<
In: Spektrum der Mediation, Fachzeitschift des Bundesverbandes Mediation e.V., Nr. 33 / I. Quartal 2009, (with Valborg Edert)
Friedenserziehung in Afghanistan. >Peace Education in Afghanistan<
In: Bernd Overwien/Hanns-Fred Rathenow: Globalisierung fordert politische Bildung. Opladen 2009
Mitten im Krieg: Friedenserziehung in Nordirland
[In the midst of war: Peace education in Northern Ireland]
In: Puzzle – Zeitschrift für Friedenspädagogik [In: Puzzle – Magazine for Peace Education], Heft 3, September 1993
Germany, West & East: A dialogue on fascism.
In: Fellowship, June 1986
Violence prevention and mediation in schools
Gewaltfreier Umgang mit Konflikten in der Sekudarstufe I. Spiele und Übungen
>Non-violent conflict resolution at the lower secondary level: games and exercises<
Frankfurt/M. 2013 (revised and updated edition)
Translations into Hungarian (1997) and Dutch (2001)
Mediation in der Schule. Konflikte lösen in der Sekundarstufe I (Hrsg.)
>School Mediation: Solving conflicts at the lower secondary level (Ed.)<
Berlin 2001
Violence and conflict resolution in schools. A study of the teaching of interpersonal problem-solving skills in primary and secondary schools in Europe. Strasbourg 1989
Translations into German (1989), Lithuanian (1989) and French (1990)
Teaching Conflict Resolution in Berlin
In: The Fourth R / Newsletter of the National Association for Mediation in Education. Volume 38, April/May 1992